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Code of Practice

My overriding commitment is to influence practice in social care and support so as to serve the best interest of people who use social care and health services.

  1. Principle: Professional responsibility overrides commercial considerations

a) I will only promote services that are valuable and appropriate to the commissioning organisation’s (client’s) need

b) During courses, I may recommend further training and when I do so, I will ensure that my recommendations do not compromise the client in any way

c) I have an ethical duty to support learners’ rights and should I be in an advocacy position for them, I will approach this in a constructive manner

d) In crisis situations, when my established clients require help, I will not allow financial limitations to influence my willingness to help

e) I will only provide services when I am confident that I can deliver positive outcomes

f) Where I believe that it is my responsibility to give constructive negative feedback regarding ethical values and practice that may negatively impact on staff and/or people who use services, my professional responsibility will override other considerations

  1. Principle: I will provide the highest standard of services set to national standards

2.1 Knowledge:

a) I am fully equipped to provide my services, am suitably qualified to do so and am up to date with developments in the care/support field; including issues of good practice, theoretical development and legislation

b) All my training will reflect current thinking in terms of practice, theory and legislation

2.2 Quality assurance (QA)

a) I will ensure that QA structures and processes are in place

b) I will encourage learners to complete evaluation forms in a frank and meaningful way

c) Evaluation sheets will be part of the QA process

d) When negative views are expressed verbally or on an evaluation form, learners may be invited to provide additional detailed feedback

e) Feedback sheets will be shared with the client

f) Feedback is always welcome; even when this is of a negative nature

g) Should negative feedback be provided by a client about any aspect of my service, this will be further explored in an open and non-defensive manner

  1. Principle: I will work in a transparent way

a) I will ensure that all outcomes of my services are available to learners and clients should they request this

b) I will work in a spirit of openness in all aspects of my work, whilst respecting confidentiality

c) I value both positive and constructive negative feedback

  1. Principle: I am and will be suitably qualified to undertake the task

I will be suitably professionally, vocationally and academically qualified to deliver training services

  1. Principle: I am committed to the principles and practice of equality, diversity and inclusion. My commitment is not tokenistic, nor is it limited to conforming to legislative requirements. It goes beyond. It is a deeply held belief that I seek to constantly develop and actively promote.

5.1 I am committed to supporting and promoting the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of my work:

a) In the design of courses

b) In learning material

c) In the relationship with learners

d) In the relationship with other professionals

e) In the way I engage with and support clients

f) In the publicity material I use

5.2 I will support clients in promoting services within an equality, diversity and inclusion framework

a) I will assist clients in any way I can to further the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion

b) I will offer feedback and support where I believe things are going wrong

c) I will disengage from my relationship with a client that demonstrates an unwillingness to support these principles

  1. Principle: I adopt an ethical pricing policy

a) I aim to limit any fee increases to the level of inflation

b) I will not price according to demand i.e. charge more for more popular courses

c) I will not charge more for work that is seen to demand additional expertise e.g. team building

d) I will be flexible and generous should I be in a position to negotiate fees

  1. Principle: I will maintain professional boundaries

a) I will hold clear boundaries in our relationship with clients and learners

b) I will always be clear in differentiating between making a professional recommendation and ‘selling’ services

c) My work will be conducted according to appropriate confidentiality principles

d) When sharing anecdotes, I will make significant changes to details so that individuals and organisations cannot be identified

e) I will never discuss other organisations or individuals by name or make negative comments about other named organisations or individuals

f) I will never purposely undermine the integrity, reputation or esteem of a client whether it be within or outside of that organisation nor challenge the trust and respect between learners and their employers

g) I will take due care to ensure that my practice does not challenge the perceived competence of the commissioning client, thus undermining the respect held by learners for their employers. I will likewise take care not to act in any way that may be perceived to undermine the systems, structures or documentation of the client

h) Where I think that a client’s systems, documents, policies etc. are inadequate for purpose; my views will only be shared with individuals at a management level. Likewise, when I think that I have documentation that is an improvement on those that the client is utilising; these will only be shared with learners after full consultation and permission of a senior manager within that organisation

i) My personal beliefs, social mores, religious and political views will remain personal, unless these are aligned to good social work/care principles.

  1. Principle: I will always act within the law and professional guidelines

Sept 2020